Kamis, 04 Juni 2015

drink mineral water

Health Benefits of Mineral Water You Should Know

Mineral Water

        If you are confused by conflicting arguments on the health benefits of mineral water, keep in mind that not all mineral waters are alike

Natural Mineral Water

           Water that comes out of the ground will pass through several layers of rocks and will contain the mineral elements of these rocks. Depending on the source, some of these dissolved minerals may either be good or bad for health. Hence, mineral water from these sources will vary in its content and quality.

Bottled Mineral Water

          Once these mineral waters are bottled, the quality will again be affected by the bottling method and on how it was stored.
Read on for further clarification on the health benefits of mineral water and why some people are saying otherwise. You will also learn on how to identify a good product, from its label.

What is Mineral Water? - According to FDA

According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration:
"mineral water is any natural water that contains at least 250 parts per million of total dissolved solids (TDS). It must be verified through a lab test whereby a litre of water, evaporated at 180 degrees C, should leave a residue of minerals and salts.
Up to 249 mg/liter it is classified as 'Spring Water'.
From 250 to 500 mg/liter, it is considered 'Low Mineral Content' or Light Mineral Water and,
Above 500 mg/liter, normal or High Mineral Content.
This mineral water must be from a geologically and physically protected underground water source. It can either be flat or sparkling. No minerals may be added to this water"
However, in other countries these standards may vary and the term "mineral water" can be water with a lower TDS. So when you travel abroad, be extra careful with the quality of bottled mineral water. Read the label to learn more.

Any Health Benefits in Drinking Mineral Water?

Are there any health benefits in drinking mineral water?
There are many and the most important reason is the minerals in the water that will benefits you from its healing properties.
Our body can easily absorb minerals from water source when compared from food source. Hence, you will gain more by drinking.
Other health benefits of drinking mineral water are:

1. Detoxify the Body

It helps to detoxify the body from any potentially harmful substances. The best time to benefit from this process is to drink it first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach. Start with one glass and gradually progress to two glasses.

2. No Calories in Mineral Water

There are no calories in mineral water, so you don't have to worry about weight issues.

3. Replacing Electrolytes

Our body sweat is water that have varying amount of dissolved minerals such as chloride, sodium, calcium, iron, potassium and other minerals. Hence, when we sweat, we will get rid of body heat as well as lose water and these electrolytes.
Drinking mineral water will help to replenish this lost water from sweating, and will replenish and balance the electrolytes in the body.

4. Calcium for Our Body

For people who suffer from lactose intolerance, drinking mineral water will provide part of their calcium intake. Refer to the World Health Organization report for more detail. Link shown below.

5. Lower Your Cholesterol

This may surprised you, but based on a study published in 2004 by the Journal of Nutrition, drinking mineral water can lower the bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase the good cholesterol (HDL). The study concluded that this may be due to the sodium content, present in mineral water.

6. Better Hydrating Effect

Based on studies, (by S. Williams, N. Krueger, M. Davids, D. Kraus and M. Kerscher in 2007), drinking mineral water (as compared to tap water), showed a better skin hydrating effect.
Drinking mineral water and especially sparkling mineral water will motivate you to drink more, as it tastes better than tap water!
So keep the body hydrated and drink at least 8 glasses of water. Drink even more if you do workout, or are out on a hot sunny day.

7. Prevent Cognitive Decline in Alzheimer's Memory Loss

Based on report from UK's The Daily Mail newspaper, drinking a liter of silicon-rich mineral water every day can reduce the cognitive decline in Alzheimer's memory loss. This is done by removing neurotoxin aluminium from the bodies.
The newspaper quoted research done at Keele University in Staffordshire, England.
The brand of mineral water that was used in the study was 'Spritzer', from Malaysia, which contain high levels of silicon.
Other brands with similar levels of silicon, available in the UK are Volvic and Fiji water, as reported by The Daily Mail

8. Thermal Bath or Spas

Natural thermal waters are hot mineral waters with high concentration of sulfate, calcium & chloride. It has been used for centuries to improve skin and mobility problems such as arthritis.
It works by reducing inflammation and swelling of muscles and joints, hence reducing the pain.
This water is however, not suitable for drinking due to its very high-level of sulfate.
The word 'SPA' which is associated with thermal bath, is a Latin phrase ‘Salus Per Aquam’ which means ‘health through water’.

9. Good Minerals

Mineral water contain the following minerals that are beneficial to your health. There are also minerals that may be harmful and this is clarified in the next section.
  • Magnesium: Helps strengthen the immune system, relax the body and muscles, and lower blood pressure
  • Chloride and Bicarbonates: Helps balance the digestive system
  • Iron: Helps deliver oxygen to the blood system
  • Sulfate: Cleansing and detoxify the body
  • Calcium: Strengthens bones and teeth.
Although there are other minerals present in mineral water, the above minerals are the most commonly present in all brands of bottled mineral water. These minerals are also responsible in giving the brand its distinctive taste.

10. Helps in Better Blood Regeneration

The water that you drink will help the body to renew your blood.
This happens every 15 days. Hence, if you drink better quality water, you will have blood with better properties.
Generally most mineral waters are of high quality, which will be beneficial to the blood regeneration process.

11. Mineral Water can Boost Your Athletic Performance

In the study done at the University of Montana, people who drink mineralized water lose body fluids at a slower rate as compared to those who doesn't. This translate to a better cardiovascular performance. Hence, you will not only have more energy during your workout or exercise, but will also recover faster.

12. Mineral Water Good for Hair

The next time you wash your hair, use mineral water. Shampoo as normal with tap water, then rinse with bottled mineral water. Try this for two weeks and you will see noticeable results.
You will get a healthier as well as shinier hair, as reported in The Daily Mail newspaper article on the secret to shiny hair.
Alternatively, you can spray your hair with mineral water or mix it in your favorite hair spray, before you blow dry the hair. Try Evian Water, that now sells mineral water spray for hair and face.

Why Others are Disputing the Health Benefits of Mineral Water

Some of the reasons given as to why it is not healthy to drink mineral water are:
  1. Natural mineral water will give you the essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium. However, some brands may also have minerals which are not so beneficial to your health and these are sodium, sulfur and nitrate .
  2. Although you need minerals to maintain a healthy body, these can be taken by eating a healthy and balance diet or by taking supplements. The body needs minerals only in small quantities. Hence, there is no need to drink mineral waters to get these minerals, especially since each production will provide different mineral composition.
  3. Bottled drinks including bottled mineral water are not healthy. Chemicals in the plastic bottle may be released into the water, especially if it is left in a car, on a hot sunny day.
  4. Bottled mineral water cost more compared to tap water, hence you will save a lot of money by not drinking mineral water.
In response to the above comments, it is proposed that you do the followings:
  • Read the label before buying, to see its mineral content. Generally most brands have reasonable amount of minerals that will not give any undue disadvantages
  • Buy only 'new production' bottled mineral water and not old stock to reduce any chances of drinking 'chemical leached from the bottle'.
  • Do not leave bottled mineral water in area exposed to direct sunlight or heat, such as in parked cars, on a hot sunny day.

    Know What You’re Buying - How to Read the Label

    Before you buy bottled mineral water, please read the label. You will be making a healthier choice by understanding the mineral contents in that bottle.
    Hence, check for the following minerals:
  • Sodium: If your diet is already high in hidden sodium, and if combined with mineral water that is also high in sodium, you may well exceed the recommended limit. This will be harmful, especially if you suffer from high blood pressure.
  • Nitrates: Mineral water with high nitrate content may be harmful for pregnant women and babies under six months old. It is, therefore, best to avoid brands that have nitrate content. The maximum contaminant level (MCL) for nitrate is 45mg/l. For nitrogen MCL is 10mg/l. For nitrite, the MCL is 1mg/l.
  • Aluminium: Although it is still uncertain of the effects of aluminum, especially with regard to Alzheimer's disease, it is best to avoid brands that have traces of aluminum in their bottled mineral water.
  •  Sulfates: As sulfates are present in most ground-waters, you will find almost all brands with traces of this mineral. Sulfates are known to detoxify the liver, assist in the digestion, and give a healthier skin by increasing the blood circulation. It will also reduce any muscle cramps. However, if it is in excess of 250-500mg/l, it will not only make the water taste bitter, but will also act as a laxative. Not a very good idea especially if you are on the move.

    Minerals that May be Present in Mineral Water Are:

    Aluminum (Al), Arsenic (As), Borondioxyde (BO2-), Bromine (Br-), Calcium(Ca++),Chloride (Cl-), Cobalt (Co), Carbondioxyde (CO2), Chromium (Cr-), Copper(Cu++), Fluoride (F-), Germanium (Ge), Hydrogencarbonate (HCO3-), Iodine (I), Iron(Fe++), Lithium (Li+), Magnesium (Mg++), Manganese (Mn+), Nitrate (NO3-), Potassium(K+), Rubidium (Rb), Silica (SiO2), Sodium (Na+), Strontium (Sr++), Sulfate (SO4--), and Zinc(Zn++).

    Additional Info to Check on the Label

    Some bottled mineral water, may either be distilled or tap water that has been processed and added with minerals during the bottling stage.
    Hence, read the label to know if you are buying a Natural Mineral Water or otherwise.
    Also read the label for the following:
    • Acidity (pH) - Mineral water should be neutral and have a pH level of 7 or slightly higher. Below 7 means the water is acidic and above 7, it is alkaline.
    • Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) – According to FDA it must be at least 250 mg/liter (or 250 parts per million)
    • Mineral elements that may be present in the mineral water are listed in the adjoining text box, on the right. Some of these minerals are beneficial to your health, whilst some are not. For commercial reasons, no sane manufacturers will bottled mineral water that has minerals that are harmful for human consumption!
    • Any pertinent nutritional claims
    • Any contact information for the bottler
    • Type of water, its source, and how it was processed.
    If in doubt, contact the bottler and ask for their latest test results.

    Why Is Water Important To Our Bodies?

    About 70% of our bodies are filled with water, but this figure varies differently with different people.
    The various organs in our body also contained water. Our brain is 70% water, lung is 90% water, blood has 83% water and our lean muscle tissues have 75% water, by weight.
    Every day we lose body water through sweats and other body wastes and on average we must replace about 5 pint (2.4 liters) of water, daily.
    Hence, it is important that we replenish this lost water as water
    • will transport oxygen and nutrition to our cells in the body
    • help to cushion our body joints
    • assist in bowel movement
    • help to regulate our body temperature
    • reduce chances of getting urinary tract infections
    • help maintain a good kidney function
    • regulate our blood pressure and stop it from dropping to life-threatening level
    • help blood from clotting, to defend against blood clots
    • help to moisturize and keep our skin from being dry
    • reduce chances of getting frequent headache
    Drinking good quality water such as mineral water will, therefore, keep our body in good working conditions

    Stay Hydrated

    Now you know why you should stay hydrated and why drinking lots of water will keep you healthy.
    With the many benefits of mineral water, it is a good idea to drink natural mineral water to replenish this lost water.
    However, remember that not all bottled mineral waters are the same. They came from several sources, will not taste the same and have different mineral contents.
    So before buying any bottled mineral water, please read the label for its sources and ingredients.
    Choosing the right brand will give you the right health benefits of mineral water.
    Stay hydrated and enjoy.

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